Content management systems or CMS, enable everyday users to create websites without having to spend time learning programming languages.
With CMS apps, users are able to tinker with a variety of features like editing, creating, and publishing content. They are commonly used for web content management (WCM) and enterprise content management (ECM).
There are tons of different CMSs available on the market today, but some stand out more than others. For instance – Plethora. Today we are speaking with its President, Casper Voogt, to gain more knowledge in the web development field.
What has your journey been like? How did the idea of Plethora come about?
I went to undergraduate school at Georgia Tech in the late ’90s and was surrounded by dot-com mania. I studied architecture and the campus IT center was across the street, and I found myself over there often, dabbling in Unix, learning HTML, then CSS, then JavaScript, then PHP, and so on. I gradually became interested in open-source Content Management Systems and ran some websites for student organizations, friends of family, and acquaintances, and after a few years that grew into a steady side hustle. I kept this up through grad school and four years of working full-time, first at a large architecture firm in Atlanta and then another one in Amsterdam.
To read the rest please visit the Cybernews article (link defunct; awaiting updated link).