Multilingual Sites
We love working on multilingual projects and can take on sites in any language, as long as content is supplied to us. We've built sites in most European languages as well as in Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. We do not provide translation services, but we do have a solid general familiarity with Western European languages, including Dutch fluency and conversational ability in Spanish and German.

Here are some of the possibilities:
- Fully multilingual sites
- Basic multilingual sites (e.g. Google Translate integration, or only selective translation of key pages).
- Sensitivity to and experience with font size limitations and impact on visual design. Some languages just take more room than others, and the design must accommodate both.
- Experience with designing for right-to-left languages
- Alternate content depending on language. For example, you may need to hide a certain page element for only certain languages / markets, for legal or other reasons.